Recall Training
Why is recall training important for dogs? Is the perfect, flawless recall really a thing or is it the holy grail of dog training, something to be searched for but never found? Isn’t it possible that no matter how good your training your dog might just decide that whatever has caught their attention is more […]
Worming your Dog
Are there natural alternatives for worming dogs? Before we get started on this one it’s important that you remember that I’m not a trained veterinarian and what I’m sharing with you here is based on my own thorough research and experience. Always be sure to follow up with your own research so that you are […]
Physical Wellbeing
Is walking your dog enough for their mental and physical wellbeing? A key factor that I’m sure most people consider when it comes to buying a dog is how much time will you need, and want, to dedicate to keeping them fit and healthy. Essentially, how often and how long do you need to walk […]
What is RAW feeding, and what are the real benefits for dogs?
When you think of raw feeding do you picture putting slabs of uncooked steak down in front of your dog and just letting them go at it? Maybe you have some kind of cartoon like picture in your mind of a fridge crammed full of raw meat just waiting for you dog, and to go […]
Why should you feed natural dog treats?
When it comes to dogs, they really can be man’s, or woman’s, best friend and naturally we want to honour that by showering our dogs in treats but with so much choice and so much information available how do you know what to buy? Walk into any pet shop, petfood store or even supermarket, and […]